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The store is open as usual!

Myymälä avoinna normaalisti!

Swimming pools are open again in Pirkanmaa too! We will also open our store during normal opening hours on February 8. from We delayed our opening hours on Saturday by an hour and from now on we are open until 4 pm on Saturdays.

Our opening hours are:

tue-fri 12-18

Sat 11-16

Please come and do business only when you are healthy.

You can contact our customer service if you want to make sure the product you want is in the store, phone: 044 9768 919

Aquaction's store is located in Tampella, Tampere at Lapintie 3, 33100 Tampere

You can find from us e.g. Arena and Speedo competition swimsuits, swimming and water running equipment, a wide selection of swimsuits with offers and Orca triathlon equipment.

We will be happy to help you choose the right equipment. Welcome to shopping!